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Леськив А.А.  «Давайте путешествовать по Темзе!» (часть 2)


Подведение итогов урока:

T: - Have we learnt new facts about famous landmarks on the river Thames?

P1: - Yes, we have.

T: - Have we known about outstanding people connected with landmarks on the river Thames?

P2: -Yes, we have.

T: - So, we achieved our aims.

Оценивание уровня достижения целей урока.

  1. Самооценка работы учащихся на уроке по карте самооценивания (Приложение 3).
  2. Оценка учителя.
  3. Инструктаж по выполнению домашнего задания: оформить буклет на тему «Places to visit in Torez”.



1.Афанасьева О. Английский в фокусе 10 класс. – М: Просвещение, 2016

2.Программы среднего общего образования по предмету «Иностранный язык» (английский) для общеобразовательной школы. - Донецк, 2018

3.Francis Hallawell “London. Workbook”, - Longman

4.Andy Hopkins “Three Great Plays of Shakespeare”.- Longman

5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTlbd2ywki8

6. https://videouroki.net/blog/


Приложение 1

Hamlets Monologue

To be, or not to be,

that is the question:

Whether “tis nobler in the mind

to suffer

The slings and arrows of outrageuos fortune,

Or to take arms

against a sea of troubles

And by opposing, end them,

To die, to sleep-

No more,

and by a sleep to say

we end

The heart-ache, and the thousand natural shocks

That flesh is heir to:

tis a consummation

Devoutly to be wished.

To die, to sleep-

To sleep! perchance to dream!

Аy, there’s the rub,

For in that sleep of death

what dreams may come,

When we have shuffled off

this mortal coil?

Must give us pause – there’s the respect

That makes calamity of so long life.

Приложение 2


Приложение 3


Evaluation Chart

Student’s name:

Description of












I can read and understand the information at the lesson


I can listen and understand the information at the lesson


I can speak about famous London’s landmarks


I can ask and answer questions about famous London’s landmarks


I can act in some Shakespeare’s plays


Team work




Приложение 4


The Globe

a) Shakespeare built a theatre himself.

b) “The Globe” opened in 1799.

c) The theatre was round.

d) At the Globe some people stood at the front of the stage, some had seats.

e) The audience didn’t show any emotions.

f) Musicians created special noises to make the performance more exciting.

g) They used a canon during plays to make big bangs.

h) Women played the parts at Shakespeare’s theatre.

i) In 1613 the theatre was destroyed by the fire.

j) The modern reconstruction of the theatre was built in 1917.


The Globe

a) Shakespeare built a theatre himself.

b) “The Globe” opened in 1799.

c) The theatre was round.

d) At the Globe some people stood at the front of the stage, some had seats.

e) The audience didn’t show any emotions.

f) Musicians created special noises to make the performance more exciting.

g) They used a canon during plays to make big bangs.

h) Women played the parts at Shakespeare’s theatre.

i) In 1613 the theatre was destroyed by the fire.

j) The modern reconstruction of the theatre was built in 1917.


The Globe

a) Shakespeare built a theatre himself.

b) “The Globe” opened in 1799.

c) The theatre was round.

d) At the Globe some people stood at the front of the stage, some had seats.

e) The audience didn’t show any emotions.

f) Musicians created special noises to make the performance more exciting.

g) They used a canon during plays to make big bangs.

h) Women played the parts at Shakespeare’s theatre.

i) In 1613 the theatre was destroyed by the fire.

j) The modern reconstruction of the theatre was built in 1917.

Приложение 5


Walking Along the Thames



Walking along the Thames

What a lovely place

What a lovely place


Walking along the Thames

What a lovely place

What a lovely place to be.

1 куплет:

I’ve been walking all day

I’m not getting anywhere

But I don’t care.


2 куплет:

It’s been raining a bit

But I’m not going to melt

And I’ll do the inside out.


3 куплет:

I’ve been lost all day

There’s been no one to ask

But I’m not that last.


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